Hello Again!
I want to thank you once more for trusting the Daniel Witt Real Estate Group in the past. As promised, we want to continue to serve you and help with any real estate related projects at your home.
We have partnered with Integra Environmental to help keep you and your family safe from radon gas in your home. If you haven’t already tested your new home for radon, we encourage you to do so and claim your FREE radon test kit today! Even better yet, our clients receive an exclusive $100 discount for a radon mitigation system installation should your home test high. This is just another benefit of choosing our team.
Thinking of buying or selling again? Visit our website to learn more!
Thank you,
Radon Is
Radon Is
Radon Is
The Health Effects
Of Radon
Radon gas is the #1 cause of lung cancer among non-smokers according to the EPA. Radon is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths annually.
The harmful health effects of radon arise from radioactive particles – emitted from radon and its decay progeny – that have settled in the lungs, where radon attaches to the surface of the lungs and emits its radioactive particles. It is these radioactive particles that can impact the lungs and cause lung cancer.
Don't Worry, Testing
Is Easy!
Watch this easy-to-follow instructional demonstration if you’re unsure how to use your radon test kit. The process is easy, so don’t be intimidated!
percent of homes tested have
Have A Question about Radon? We Have
All The Answers
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Focus on Keeping You and Your
Family Safe
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer and can go undetected because it is colorless, tasteless, and odorless. By signing up today, you could be selected to win a free radon testing kit. If radon is present, you can count our team for safe and professional mitigation.